
发布日期: 2023-08-21


E-mail: yixionglin@fzu.edu.cn


2019-2023      日本名古屋大学     博士       化学系统工程专业

2015-2018      福州大学           硕士       化学工程专业

2011-2015      重庆科技大学       学士       应用化学专业


2018-2019    美埃(中国)环境科技股份有限公司

2023-至今    福州大学


[1] Wei Zhang, Yixiong Lin*, Koyo Norinaga. Insights into structure-performance relationship in radial flow fixed bed reactor for CO2 methanation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2023, 48, 24594-24606.

[2] Kazui Fukumoto, Wei Zhang, Risa Mizoguchi, Yixiong Lin, Cheolyong Choi, Hiroshi Machida, Koyo Norinaga*. CFD simulation of CO2 methanation through the Sabatier reaction in a shell-and-tube reactor incorporating phase change on the shell side. Fuel, 2023, 349, 128126.

[3] Yixiong Lin, Chen Yang*, Wei Zhang, Hiroshi Machida, Koyo Norinaga*. Lattice Boltzmann study on the effect of hierarchical pore structure on fluid flow and coke formation characteristics in open-cell foam for dry reforming of methane. Chemical Engineering Science. 2023, 268, 118380.

[4] Yixiong Lin, Chen Yang*, Wei Zhang, Kazui Fukumoto, Yasuhiro Saito, Hiroshi Machida, Koyo Norinaga*. Estimation of effective thermal conductivity in open-cell foam with hierarchical pore structure using lattice Boltzmann method. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023, 218,119314

[5] Yixiong Lin, Wei Zhang*, Hiroshi Machida, Koyo Norinaga*. CFD simulation of the Sabatier process in a shell-and-tube reactor under local thermal non-equilibrium conditions: parameter sensitivity and reaction mechanism analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen energy. 2022, 47, 15254-15269

[6] Yuzhang Bi, Dongpo Wang*, Xianlei Fu, Yixiong Lin*, Xinpo Sun, Zheyuan Jiang. Optimal array layout of cylindrical baffles to reduce energy of rock avalanche. Journal of Mountain Science, 2022, 19, 493–512

[7] Yixiong Lin, Chen Yang, Cheolyong Choi, Wei Zhang, Kazui Fukumoto, Hiroshi Machida, Koyo Norinaga*. Inhibition of temperature runaway phenomenon in the Sabatier process using bed dilution structure: LBM‐DEM simulation. AIChE Journal. 2021, 67, e17304

[8] Yixiong Lin, Chen Yang, Cheolyong Choi, Wei Zhang, Hiroshi Machida, Koyo Norinaga*. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of multicomponent reaction-diffusion and coke formation in a catalyst with hierarchical pore structure for dry reforming of methane. 2021, Chemical Engineering Science, 229, 116105.

[9] Cheolyong Choi, Angkana Khuenpetch, Wei Zhang, Shoya Yasuda, Yixiong Lin, Hiroshi Machida, Koyo Norinaga*. Determination of Kinetic Parameters for CO2 Methanation (Sabatier Reaction) over Ni/ZrO2 at a Stoichiometric Feed-Gas Composition under Elevated Pressure. Energy & Fuels. 2021, 35, 20216–20223

[10] Chen Yang, Rong Huang, Yixiong Lin, Ting Qiu*. Volume averaging theory (VAT) based modeling for longitudinal mass dispersion in structured porous medium with porous particles. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2020, 153, 582-591.

[11] Yixiong Lin, Chen Yang*, Zhongmin Wan, Ting Qiu*. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of intraparticle diffusivity in porous pellets with macro-mesopore structure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138, 1014-1028.

[12] Chen Yang, Yixiong Lin, Gerald Debenest, Akira Nakayama, Ting Qiu*. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of asymptotic longitudinal mass dispersion in reconstructed random porous media.  AIChE Journal, 2018, 64, 2770-2780.

[13] Zhixian Huang, Yixiong Lin, Ling Li, Changshen Ye, Ting Qiu*. Preparation and shaping of solid acid SO42−/TiO2 and its application for esterification of propylene glycol monomethyl ether and acetic acid. Chinese journal of chemical engineering, 2017, 25, 1207-1216.

[14] Zhixian Huang, Yixiong Lin, Xiaoda Wang, Changshen Ye, Ling Li*. Optimization and control of a reactive distillation process for the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 25, 1079-1090.
